Friday, December 31, 2010

Today the exact date of January 1, 2011, a date early in the month and year.
Hopefully with each passing year can bring a new spirit, bringing better progress.
Going to be the best and be the first in all areas.
There are unique also ditahun is a unique number: 1, month 1 year 2011, if the join becomes 1-1-11, all number 1.
Escape from it all do not forget to always memangun into a better direction.

Success 1-1-11
by: wishnew

Friday, December 24, 2010

Exercising Do not forget the warm up before exercising.
is fun. Can make healthy body, can release stress and certainly can gather with friends.
But remember do not forget the foreplay.
Warm up first before the move.
Lots of functions:
1. Preparing the body muscles
2. Reducing the risk of injury
3. Etc.

Many kinds of exercises to warm up
1. Jogging
2. Stretching
3. etc.

Secure healthful exercise
by: wishnew

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life is a gift
Human life is a gift from God, give thanks and share with others
Fix pattern during this one and go back to the creator,
Any living creature should be together and united salaing

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Healthy Way PGRI HUT AND KORPRI Bantul District
week, December 19, 2010

This morning following the activities of a healthy way to commemorate the anniversary KORPRI and PGRI.
Depart early morning 06.30.
Before leaving the air was cold and overcast weather. All the way down drizzling rain. Arriving at the destination in the "Art Market Gabusan" sudden downpour, all the participants ran aside to seek shelter.
After the rain subsided Road trip went well. All excited with sturdy steps and a long while enjoying the natural scenery.
Body feels lighter and more comfortable. It turned out that exercise in the morning and together fun.
Happy Birthday PGRI and KORPRI

By; Wishnew
Natural Healthy Food
In today's fast-paced food, food packaging and food with lots of color.
Healthy is the food like that?
How can impact our health? our bodies?
What about the health of our children? Is it feasible and assured all that food.
What is clear we have to control your intake of foods that are risky, not to excess in eating.
Come budayakan healthy food!
Around us a lot of healthy and natural foods, vegetables, bulbs, fruit, etc.
It takes time to process all that but at least we will memperloleh health and certainly cheaper.
For parents it is important to present a natural healthy foods for their children in order to maintain the health and growth.

Natural Health
by: wishnew

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

R eaching goals Since early we need to give the children the importance of understanding the ideals of the desire to be acquired in the future.
What we need to do is to give clues or leads the right in determining the ideals of good. Many things we can do:
1. By reading stories that inspire
2. Telling the findings expert
3. Telling people's success
4. Describing the happy people who can achieve what is desired.

Do it regularly while providing accurate guidance. Thus a child will have a broad view of what needs to be done in the future.
Congratulations educate

by: wishnew

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flu Sick
Today I am stricken with the flu, actually had a few days my nose is often clogged.
But today the air was cold. My nose feels all stuffy. Apparently the flu is really not comfortable. Why yes I am easily cold?
After my analysis, some days I often sleep at night, lack of rest, drink plenty of ice and fried.
And today I feel tired and less drinking.
Maybe I need to rest, sleep, eat and exercise, healthy work schedule.
At least this can be a lesson for me to maintain health.

Expensive health:

by: wishnew -

make it a habit
Habit of washing hands is the first step to start healthy habits.
Often we do events and activities but often day-to-day contact with many media.
sometimes we do not realize when it is sometimes carry diseases.
Infectious diseases from anywhere.
For example: we finished shaking hands with many people, you can bet we carry germs that stick from each hand.
If the resistance we are weak then we can catch illness, eg flu, batik, etc..
Let's keep health always wash your hands every activity.

by: wishnew - www.penjaskes-sport.blogspot

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sports on Sunday
today I'm a family refreshing walk. Depart early morning air was very fresh.
Apparently taking the time once a week the streets with a wonderful family.
See the sights while exercising. out sweat and feel the wind blows full. Approximately 45 minutes doing sports activities
Completed exercise looking for warm drinks and chicken porridge.
May each week to enjoy this atmosphere.
Good Sports on the day of week friends
by: wishnew -

Friday, December 10, 2010

T ake your time to road
Activities in the current era has been time consuming. Much time was spent on the seat, a computer, or behind a desk.
These conditions are certainly very influential to health. why not? This is due to reduced physical activity (exercise). By reducing the activities of this sport makes the body aches and fatigue easily.
How North we anticipate this. certainly have to do regular exercise, but time is not enough.
Easy solution is the activity of the street. Try walking a regular activity do not have long. After completion of work or in spare time to do the road while doing stretching leg joints.
Thus will somewhat reduce the tension during the workday.
Good luck.

by; Wishnew -
Problem child
In the classroom there must be only one student who always make lively.
Although the level and naughty different classes with each other.
There is a good fight, there is a happy disrupt his work

There are glad to take his goods, etc.
This child delinquency should we point the energy. So that energy can be channeled into activities that positive trend.
We must approach these children and give more attention, but do not let the other children left behind.
Provide activities that they like and give responsibilities that can make the child can help his friend.
Give trust to the children to Sebuat responsibility.
If we can do then their energy will be channeled into positive activities.
but keep in mind even if we give more attention to children with problems we must not forget the other.
Good luck

by: wishnew -

Child health
Health problems must be properly addressed early on.
Schools often we see some children experience sore skin, Sakir teeth, etc.. Each lesson in the sport always check the hands and feet nails. Can be found more children who have long fingernails and black of the short and clean.
In each lesson is always on to convey the importance of health.
The weakness of the child is kemandiri and have not had the desire taking care of themselves.
it is necessary to address the role of parents in assisting each child in their own homes.
Caring parents are guardians not only to learning but to a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits should be nurtured.
Let's save our young generation to maintain health
Healthy Regards

by: wisnew -
Regular exercise, directed, and measured is important.
Exercise habits should follow the general rules in sports.
Some things to note:
1. Heating
2. Core Exercises
3. Refrigeration 3 This is important above dilaksanankan followed and when we will implement the sport, because each have their respective functions
1. Warming Function: to prepare the body, increase body temperature, prepare the muscles, labored movements adjust heating in the core exercises that will be implemented.
2. The function of core exercises: increasing or train, repeat activities adjusted to the respective sport
3. Cooling function: reduce muscle tension, so that the body more relax.dan lower heart rate due to high-intensity activity during core exercise

By following three general rules above then it is safe and healthy sport, and will improve performance.
Greetings sports

by: wishnew -

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Developing the character of children to the sport.
Sports to be one way to develop the character of a child.
Children would seem the nature of the original. Was a grumpy, shy, active, lazy, etc..And in this physical education to our students so that something can work well. The properties are in control negativ or difficult to control.
And this control process runs naturally there is no compulsion in it.
In the physical education needs of traits: discipline, cautious, careful, passion, sportsmanship, cooperation, etc.
With the formation of a gradual and sustained character and the absence of coercion then it will set up a good character naturally.
Exercise at regularly.

by: wishnew -
Exercise for health
Health and physical education for the school environment is very important. Why is that?
At school the children have an extraordinary energy and in its infancy. In conditions like these the right times for training
physical education.
Lots of benefits can be obtained, among others: 1. Physical growth will be optimal
2. Channel energy into positive direction
3. Mengembagkan capabilities.
4. Improving health degrees
5. etc.

Health and physical education is mandatory for every student. Of course, considering the condition of each student.
Exercise regularly and focus should be emphasized to avoid injury due to incorrect application of the exercise.
Here the importance of coach / teacher to give guidance betu well-controlled.
Get used to sport on each side of our lives.
Greetings sports

by: wihnew -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Small doctors provide guidance regarding the proper hand washing

Activities of a small doctor explaining the correct hand washing and explain the importance of proper hand washing. By washing hands regularly so that germs will stick to go wasted. Quality of life will increase.
And needs to know how to wash hands properly with soap so that germs actually lost and clean hands.
Let the culture of hand washing, in order to live a healthier and more quality.
by : wish new -
Children story Give your child a brief story, a short build and give encouragement, love before sleeping at night. This is very unusual effects. A child who has emotional problems, difficulty eating, difficulty learning in this way will be very helpful.

How do I:

1. Facilitate your child before bed.

2. give a brief story, do not be too long.

3. The contents of a story based on the problem son – your daughter.

4. Concludes the story provide subtle whisper your magic words.

Example: A child is difficult to learn. Story: Give a story of greatness smart people, for example could make cars, planes, flying, etc.

At the end of the story or before falling asleep, whisper in the ear of your child slowly, for example: yes Sleep Smart kid! do the above on an ongoing basis.

This will give tremendous impact positiv. Children are like new books, we are helping to fill it with things that are positiv.Good storytelling. by: wishnew


Gaya hidup akan menentukan kualitas kesehatan di masa depan by: WisNoe



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